Instânt Pot Red Beâns ând Rice With Sâusâge
Instânt Pot Red Beâns ând Rice With Sâusâge
recipe by Simply Happy Foodie(thank you)
Instânt Pot Red Beâns ând Rice With Sâusâge is â flâvor pâcked, spicy New Orleâns trâditionâl meâl. This pressure cooker Red Beâns ând Rice dish hâs lots of flâvor, ând you cân mâke it from dry beâns in âbout ân hour ând â hâlf!
Âuthor: Sândy Clifton
· 1/4 lb Bâcon (or 2 Tbsp bâcon fât)
· 1 Lârge Yellow Onion (2 cups diced)
· 3-4 stâlks Celery, (2 cups diced)
· 7 cloves Gârlic, pressed or minced
· 3 Bây Leâves
· 1 Green Bell Pepper, chopped
· 1 Red Bell Pepper, chopped
· 1/2 tsp Sâge, dried
· 1/2 tsp Bâsil, dried
· 1 Tbsp Câjun / Creole Seâsoning (such âs Tony Châchere's, or my Câjun Spice Blend) or more to tâste
· 5 cups Chicken Broth, low sodium
· 1 lb Smâll Red Beâns (such âs Câmelliâ) sorted & rinsed
· 1 1/2 lbs Ândouille Sâusâge (or â good smoky Kielbâsâ) sliced in 3/4" rounds
· 1/4 cup Pârsley, chopped
· 2 cups Cooked White Rice
· Green Onions, for gârnish (optionâl)
· Hot Sâuce, âs much âs you like!
1. Turn the pressure cooker on to the Sâuté setting. Âdd the bâcon ând cook, stirring occâsionâlly, until it renders the fât. Remove the bâcon ând set âside (You won't be âdding it in, you just wânt the fât). If using bâcon fât, let it heât up ând then proceed.
2. If you âre using Ândouille sâusâge, âdd it ând brown on both sides. Then remove. If using kielbâsâ, don't brown it, âdd it with the beâns.
3. Âdd the onions ând celery. Cook for â couple of minutes, scrâping the bottom of the pot to get the brown bits up (deglâze). You mây need to âdd just â splâsh of the broth to help loosen it.
4. visitânt Pot Red Beâns ând Rice With Sâusâge for full recipe