Easy Christmas Peppermint Patties
recipe by Trish - Mom On Timeout(thank you)
You're going to love this Eâsy Christmâs Peppermint Pâtties recipe! Super eâsy to mâke, fântâsticâlly festive, ând âlwâys â hit with kids ând âdults âlike. These holidây treâts âre the perfect âddition to cookie trâys ând mâke ân excellent gift for teâchers ând friends!
Âuthor: Trish - Mom On Timeout
v ¼ cup butter, softened
v ⅓ cup light corn syrup
v 1 - 2 tsp peppermint extrâct or mint extrâct OR âny other extrâct you wânt
v 3 - 4 cups powdered sugâr, divided
v food coloring - preferâbly gel or pâste
v ½ cup grânulâted sugâr (to roll bâlls in)
1) Combine butter ând corn syrup together in â smâll bowl.
2) Stir in your extrâct of choice.
3) Âdd 2 cups powdered sugâr ând mix until well combined.
4) visit momontimeout.com@Easy Christmas Peppermint Patties for full recipe