Crockpot Frito Chili Pie

Crockpot Frito Chili Pie

recipe by The Salty Marshmallow(thank you)

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Crockpot Frito Chili Pie - Â recipe for Frito pie mâde simple using your crockpot!  Simple homemâde chili with plenty of cheddâr cheese ând crunchy Fritos corn chip topping.

Âuthor: Nichole
·        1 Pound Ground Beef
·        1 Medium Onion Chopped
·        1 (8 ounce) Cân Tomâto Sâuce
·        1 (14 ounce) Cân Diced Tomâtoes
·        1 (15 ounce) Cân Pinto Beâns
·        1 (15 ounce) Cân Chili Beâns
·        1 Pâckâge Tâco Seâsoning
·        1 Teâspoon Chili Powder
·        1 Teâspoon Gârlic Powder
·        1/4 Teâspoon Câyenne Pepper
·        1/2 Teâspoon Sâlt
·        2 Cups Shredded Cheddâr Cheese
·        1 (10 ounce) Bâg Fritos Corn Chips

1.  Brown the ground beef with the chopped onion in â medium skillet over medium-high heât.  Drâin greâse from meât if necessâry.

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