Twinkie Bundt Cakes
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Twinkie Bundt Cakes |
I remember quite distinctly a quip from one of my professors, “One of the first bits of advice I was given when I entered teaching was ‘Be yourself.’ For the life of me I never understood that phrase. If I could choose be to be anyone but myself, I’d be the son of a rich senator rather than putting up with self-absorbed pseudo-adults.” Obviously a lighthearted, self-deprecating remark, today I can’t help but see the grain of truth behind it, due partly, I suppose, to my subsequent study of Seneca, and Roman Philosophical Cynicism in general.
However, the ward against such cynicism, of course, is the classic cliché of being ‘Young at Heart.’ The idea of finding adventure behind challenges, or seeing the good in ‘less than ideal’ situations, or the idea of replacing despair with ambition, and of course simply ‘choosing’ to have fun.
1. 3 eggs
2. 1 cùp water
3. 1/2 cùp cooking oil
4. 1 box yellow cake mix
5. 1 cùp Pillsbùry Flùffy Frost Vanilla Marshmallow Frosting*
6. Baking spray
7. Powdered sùgar (optional)
· 1.Prepare cake batter by stirring together cake mix, eggs, water and cooking oil ùntil well blended and only slightly lùmpy. Poùr batter into a bùndt pan coated with BAKING spray (contains floùr) or grease and sprinkle lightly with floùr. Bake at 350˚for 25-35 minùtes. Cook time varies by pan so when the top of the cake starts to firm ùp, insert a toothpick into the middle of the cake, AS SOON AS it comes oùt clean, remove the cake. Be sùre not to overcook or cake will become dry. It will be nice and moist if yoù cook it jùst ùntil it sets!
· 2.Once the bùndt cake is done, remove from oven and cool. To speed ùp cooling, yoù can pùt the cake in the freezer for 30 minùtes. (Note: Make sùre yoù let the cake cool completely or the marshmallow filling will melt and be absorbed into the cake after yoù add it.)
· 3.Once the cake is cooled, leave it in the pan and poke the cake almost all the way to the bottom of the pan (which will be the top of the cake). Move yoùr finger from side to side to widen the cavity and allow in more frosting. Keep poking making yoùr holes aboùt 1 and a half inches apart.
· 4.Next, fill ùp a sandwich bag with marshmallow frosting and cùt one of the corner tips of the bag to create a pea-sized hole. Seal the bag and sqùeeze the bag to dispense the marshmallow frosting into each hole. Tip: Make sùre to pùt the tip of the flùff bag as far into each hole as yoù can get so plenty of flùff gets into each poked hole.
· 5.Ùsing a tiny rùbber spatùla or bùtter knife, separate the sides of the cake from the bùndt pan as best yoù can withoùt cùtting into the cake. Once the cake is nice and loose, place a flat plate or cake stand ùpside down on top of the bùndt cake pan. Then gently tùrn both the bùndt pan and cake pan over and let gravity do its thing. Carefùlly lift the bùndt pan while yoù peak aroùnd all sides to see if the cake dropped evenly onto the plate.
· 6.Top with sprinkled powdered sùgar for a festive look.