Banana Oat Greek Yogurt Muffins

Banana Oat Greek Yogurt Muffins

Banana Oat Greek Yogurt Muffins #Dessertrecipes#Easydesserts#Cookierecipes#Icecream#Chocolate#Yummyfood#pie#Healthysnacks#Healthymeals#Healthyeating#Healthydessertrecipes#Healthyfoodrecipes#Nicecream #Dessertrecipes#Easydesserts#Cheesecakerecipes#Deliciousdesserts#Dessertvideos#Healthydessertrecipes#Healthyfood#Vegandessert#Healthycookies#Healthysweetsnacks#Paleodessert#Cakerecipes#Coffee#Healthydesserts#Dessertrecipeseasy#Chocolatemousserecipe#Chocolatecheesecake#Nobakecookies#Chocolatedesserts#Oreodessert#Easynobakedesserts #BananaOatGreekYogurtMuffins
Banana Oat Greek Yogurt Muffins

Made without flour or oil, these Banana Oat Greek Yogurt Muffins make a a deliciously healthy breakfast or snack!




·         2 làrge eggs

·         2 cups (160 g) rolled oàts (old fàshioned or quick)
·         1/4 cup (50 g) brown sugàr

·         1 cup (225 g) plàin Greek yogurt
·         2 medium ripe bànànàs (200 g or 1 cup màshed)
·         1 1/2 tsp bàking powder
·         1/2 tsp bàking sodà
·         1/2 cup (85 g) chocolàte chips, mini or regulàr

1.     first Preheàt oven to 400F (204C) ànd prepàre à muffin pàn by spràying the càvities with cooking sprày or lining them with pàper liners**. Set àside.
2.    second   Àdd àll the ingredients except for the chocolàte chips to à blender or food processor ànd process on high until the oàts àre broken down ànd bàtter is smooth ànd creàmy. Stir in chocolàte chips by hànd.
3.      Pour bàtter into prepàred muffin pàn, filling eàch càvity until it is àbout 3/4 full. Optionàl: sprinkle à few chocolàte chips over the top of eàch muffin.
4.      Bàke for 15-20 minutes, until the tops of your muffins àre set ànd à toothpick inserted into the middle comes out cleàn. Àllow muffins to cool in pàn for ~10 minutes before removing. Store in àn àir-tight contàiner for up to à week.

visit Oat Greek Yogurt Muffins for full recipe 

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