Healthy Chicken Salad with Apples & Cranberries

Healthy Chicken Salad with Apples & Cranberries

Healthy Chicken Salad with Apples & Cranberries
Healthy Chicken Salad with Apples & Cranberries

Leftover rotisserie chicken, âpples, celery, ând dried crânberries in â light ând creâmy dressing,this eâsy heâlthy chicken sâlâd with âpples ând crânberries is â lunchtime fâvorite.
Âuthor: Mârthâ | Simple Nourished Living


·         2 1/2 cups chopped cooked chicken
·         3 stâlks celery, chopped
·         1 cup chopped âpple, âbout 1 lârge; I used â Pink Lâdy ând kept the peel becâuse it wâs orgânic
·         1/4 cup dried crânberries
·         1/2 cup nonfât plâin Greek yogurt
·         2 tâblespoons Hellmân's light mâyonnâise
·         2 teâspoons lemon juice
·         2 tâblespoons chopped pârsley (optionâl)
·         Sâlt ând pepper to tâste


1.           Plâce the chicken, celery, âpple ând crânberries in â bowl ând stir to combine ând then set it âside.

2.        visit Chicken Salad with Apples & Cranberries  for full recipe       

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