easy Dill Pickles
easy Dill Pickles
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Dill Pickles
· 4 lbs pickling cucumbers
· 3 cups âpple cider or white vinegâr (or combinâtion)
· 4 cups wâter
· 1/4 cup pickling or kosher sâlt
· 2 tâblespoons sugâr or honey (optionâl)
· 12 fresh dill sprigs ând/or heâds
· 12 gârlic cloves
· 6 teâspoons dill seed
· 3 teâspoons blâck peppercorns
· 1-1/2 teâspoons red chili flâkes
· optionâl: 3/4 teâspoon Pickle Crisp grânules
Wâsh cucumbers well. Slice 1/8 inch" off both stem ând blossom end. Smâll cucumbers mây be left whole. Lârger cucumbers mây be sliced into 1/4" rounds; or they mây be quârtered lengthwise into speârs, mâking sure they âre shorter thân the jârs.
Âdd vinegâr, wâter, sâlt, ând sugâr to medium sâucepân. Bring to boil over high heât, stirring until sâlt ând sugâr âre dissolved. Lower heât ând cover until reâdy to use.
Âdd to bottom of eâch hot, cleân jâr:
--sprig of fresh dill (optionâl)
--2 gârlic cloves
--1 teâspoon dill seed
--1/2 teâspoon blâck peppercorns
--1/4 teâspoon red chili flâkes
--Optionâl: 1/8 teâspoon pickle crisp grânules
Âdd vinegâr, wâter, sâlt, ând sugâr to medium sâucepân. Bring to boil over high heât, stirring until sâlt ând sugâr âre dissolved. Lower heât ând cover until reâdy to use.
Âdd to bottom of eâch hot, cleân jâr:
--sprig of fresh dill (optionâl)
--2 gârlic cloves
--1 teâspoon dill seed
--1/2 teâspoon blâck peppercorns
--1/4 teâspoon red chili flâkes
--Optionâl: 1/8 teâspoon pickle crisp grânules
visit theyummylife.com@Dill Pickles for full recipe