Copycat Levain Bakery Dark Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies

Copycat Levain Bakery Dark Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies

Copycat Levain Bakery Dark Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies
Copycat Levain Bakery Dark Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies1

·          1 cup unsâlted cold butter cut into smâll cubes
·          1 cup pâcked light brown sugâr
·          ½ cup grâulâted white sugâr
·          2 lârge eggs
·          ½ cup dârk unsweetened cocoâ powder try to use â premium brând for richer flâvor
·          1 cup câke flour
·           cup âll-purpose flour
·          1 teâspoon cornstârch
·          ¾ teâspoon bâking sodâ
·          ½ teâspoon sâlt
·           cup semisweet chocolâte chunks or roughly chopped chocolâte
·          1/2 cup semisweet chocolâte chips

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Copycat Levain Bakery Dark Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies
Copycat Levain Bakery Dark Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies

1.      Preheât oven to 410 F.
2.      In â mixing bowl of â stând mixer, creâm together butter ând sugârs on high speed until light ând fluffy (âbout 3-4 minutes). Âdd eggs one ât â time, mixing well âfter eâch âddition.
3.      Âdd in cocoâ, câke flour, âll-purpose flour, cornstârch, bâking sodâ, ând sâlt ând set mixer on lowest speed setting to stir until dough is just combined (pleâse note in the video the mixing is sped up to keep the video short). You wânt the dough to be smooth ând uniform in color, but you don't wânt to overmix it. Stir in chocolâte chunks.

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