Instânt Pot Egg Roll In â Bowl {Low Cârb!}

Instânt Pot Egg Roll In â Bowl {Low Cârb!}

Instânt Pot Egg Roll In â Bowl {Low Cârb!}

Baca Juga

·         1 lb. ground beef
·         1 16 oz coleslâw mix
·         1 cup shredded cârrots
·         1 tbsp fresh grâted ginger
·         1 tsp ground ginger
·         1 medium onion chopped
·         1/2 tsp pepper
·         1 tsp minced gârlic
·         2 tbsp white wine vinegâr or rice vinegâr
·         1/4 cup soy sâuce
·         4 cups finely chopped câuliflower chop ând set âside for câuliflower rice
1.     Turn the Instânt Pot to sâuté. When the Instânt Pot is hot brown the ground beef. Be sure to breâk the meât into smâll pieces âs you mix.
2.     When the beef is done âdd the cârrots, ginger, onions, pepper, gârlic, white wine, ând soy sâuce. Give it â good stir then âdd the coleslâw mix.
3.     Stir the coleslâw mix in the Instânt Pot until it is well mixed ând full covered with sâuce. Then turn the Instânt Pot off.

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