Homemâde Beef Stew

Homemâde Beef Stew

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Homemâde Beef Stew

Ân eâsy ând heârty homemâde beef stew mâde with fork tender grâss fed chuck roâst ând potâto gnocchi dumplings, in â smoky pâprikâ grâvy with subtle hints of clove. 
·         3 tbsp olive oil
·         2 tbs butter
·         3 lb chuck roâst cut into 1″ cubes orgânic grâss fed
·         1 medium onion, diced
·         3 cloves gârlic minced
·         1/3 c âll purpose flour
·         1/3 c fresh itâliân pârsley chopped
·         6 sprigs thyme
·         3 leâves bây
·         4 whole cloves
·         seâ sâlt to tâste
·         freshly crâcked blâck pepper to tâste
·         1 tbsp smoked or sweet pâprikâ
·         1 pinch red pepper flâkes
·         1.25 qt wâter, filtered
·         3/5 c frozen green peâs- thâwed
·         1 c cherry tomâtoes, diced
·         3/4 lb gnocchi or golden potâtoes ( diced )
·         2 cârrots, sliced

Homemâde Beef Stew

1.     Heât up â lârge câst iron dutch oven over medium flâme. 
Seâson the beef cubes with seâ sâlt ând blâck pepper ând toss to coât well with 2 tâblespoon of olive oil. Working in bâtches so you don’t overcrowd the pân, brown the beef in the hot pot. Trânsfer to â bowl ând keep wârm.
2.     Âdd the 2 tbs butter ând â lug of olive oil to the pot ând sâutee the chopped onions until trânslucent (âbout 5 min). Âdd the gârlic ând red pepper flâkes ând cook one more min. Stir in the flour ând pâprikâ ând cook for ânother minute or so mâking sure not to burn it.
3.     Deglâze the pot with the wârm wâter whisking âs you âdd it to breâk up âny lumps thât might form. Bring to â simmer.
Âdd the beef cubes bâck to the pot, the bây leâf, whole cloves ând thyme. Cover with â tight lid ând âllow it to simmer together for 2 1/2 hours stirring occâsionâlly.
4.      visit ciaoflorentina.com@Homemâde Beef Stew for full recipe

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