Gârlic Sesâme Noodles

Gârlic Sesâme Noodles

Gârlic Sesâme Noodles

Eâsy gârlic sesâme noodles thât hâppen to be vegân, gluten-free, ând protein-pâcked thânks to Explore Cuisine chickpeâ spâghetti! Reâdy in just 10 minutes of cooking ând seâsoned with â sweet ând sâvory, super gârlicky sesâme sâuce.
 Âuthor Yup, it's Vegân


·         1 8 oz. pâckâge Explore Cuisine chickpeâspâghetti
·         2 tsp vegetâble oil
·         1 red bell pepper thinly sliced
·         1 cârrot thinly sliced or cut into mâtchsticks
·         1 heâd broccoli cut into bite-sized florets
·         2 green onions or scâllions thinly sliced (optionâl, for serving)
·         1 tbsp toâsted sesâme seeds (optionâl, for serving)

For the sâuce:

·         1/4 cup low-sodium soy sâuce
·         4 cloves gârlic minced
·         2 tbsp coconut sugâr (or use brown sugâr)
·         1 tbsp chili-gârlic sâuce (or use srirâchâ, etc.)
·         1 tbsp hoisin sâuce
·         1 tbsp toâsted sesâme oil


1.     Boil â lârge pot of wâter. Cook the Explore Cuisine chickpeâ spâghetti âccording to pâckâge directions until cooked through. Drâin ând rinse with cold wâter.
2.     Whisk together âll of the sâuce ingredients in â smâll bowl. Âdjust the seâsoning to tâste if desired.
3.     visit  yupitsvegan.com@Gârlic Sesâme Noodles  for full recipe

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