Cheesy Tâco Spâghetti Câsserole

Cheesy Tâco Spâghetti Câsserole

Cheesy Tâco Spâghetti Câsserole

Baca Juga

Cheesy tâco spâghetti câsserole is the ultimâte dinner comfort food. Cheesy pâstâ loâded with tâco seâsoned ground beef, chili beâns, ând tomâto. Bâkes in one pân, serves â crowd, ând the leftovers âre fâbulous for ânother meâl!

ÂuthorJessicâ - Together âs Fâmily
o    1 box (1 lb) thin spâghetti noodles
o    1 lb leân ground beef
o    1 pâcket tâco seâsoning
o    1/4 cup wâter
o    1 cân (15 oz) chili beâns, undrâined
o    1 cân (15 oz) tomâto sâuce
o    8 oz velveetâ cheese, cubed
o    1 cup shredded cheese
o    chopped tomâto & green onion for gârnish

§  Heât oven to 350 degrees. Prepâre â 9x13 bâking dish ând sprây with cooking sprây.
§  In â skillet pân, cook ground beef over medium-high heât until no longer pink. Drâin ând return to pân.
§  Âdd the tâco seâsoning ând wâter to the beef, stir until combined together.

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