Apple Cider Vinegar Detox Drink
Apple Cider Vinegar Detox Drink
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Apple Cider Vinegar Detox Drink |
§ 1 cup of hot wâter
§ 2 tbsp of orgânic âpple cider vinegâr
§ 1-2 tbsp of fresh squeezed lemon juice
§ 1 tbsp of râw honey
§ 1 tsp of ground cinnâmon
§ 1 smâll pinch of câyenne pepper
Combine âll of the ingredients ând stir well. Enjoy!
1. The cinnâmon ând câyenne tends to settle to the bottom, so keep â spoon in your mug to stir regulârly if you like to tâke your time enjoying the drink.
2. Not everyone loves vinegâr âs much âs I do, so feel free to tweâk the recipe to your liking. My husbând likes to âdd â little extrâ honey ând lemon juice.
3. Fresh ginger is âlso â fântâstic âddition to this recipe, but I don’t usuâlly hâve it on hând so I didn’t include it.
4. Sometimes I mâke this drink with my fâvorite hot teâ in plâce of the hot wâter (green teâ, blâck teâ, lemon ginger, cinnâmon, etc.). It gives it â little extrâ flâvor âs well âs âdded heâlth benefits.
5. Bâsed on my very quick câlculâtions, I’m estimâting thât this drink hâs âbout 80 câlories.