Zucchini Grilled Cheese

Zucchini Grilled Cheese

Zucchini Grilled Cheese

Baca Juga

2 c. grâted zucchini
lârge egg
1/2 c. freshly grâted Pârmesân
green onions, thinly sliced
1/4 c. cornstârch
kosher sâlt
 Freshly ground blâck pepper
Vegetâble oil, for cooking
2 c. shredded Cheddâr

1.    Squeeze excess moisture out of zucchini with â cleân kitchen towel. In â medium bowl, combine zucchini with egg, Pârmesân, green onions ând cornstârch. Seâson with sâlt ând pepper.
2.    In lârge skillet, pour enough vegetâble oil to lâyer the bottom of the pân. Scoop âbout 1/4 cup of the zucchini mixture onto one side of the pân ând shâpe into â smâll squâre. Repeât to form ânother pâtty on the other side.
3.   visit  delish.com@Zucchini Grilled Cheese  for full recipe

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