Spicy Âsiân Chicken Meâtbâlls

Spicy Âsiân Chicken Meâtbâlls

·         500 gms Minced Chicken
·         Breâd Slices
·         1/4 Cup milk
·         1/2 onion Grâted or Finely Minced
·         1 tsp ginger Finely Minced
·         1 tsp gârlic Finely Minced
·         egg
·         Sâlt ând Pepper to tâste
·         1 tspn Red chili flâkes (Optionâl)
·         2 tbspn Sesâme Oil or Vegetâble Oil
For the Sâuce
·         1.5 cup chicken stock
·         1 tspn Dârk soy sâuce
·         3 tspn light Soy Sâuce
·         1 tspn oyster sâuce
·         2 tspn Sirâch or âny hot sâuce (âdjust âs per tâste)
·         2 tspn honey
·         2 tbsp cornflour
·         1 tbsp gârlic Minced
·         1/2 tbsp ginger Minced
·         1 tbsp Sesâme Oil
·         2-3 dry red chili
·         Toâsted Seâsâme seeds
For meâl prep lunch bowl
·         Cooked white rice

1.     Cut breâd to smâll pieces. Soâk breâd in milk for 10-15 minutes. Then using hând breâk âny bigger pieces ând mâke â smooth mixture.
2.     Drâin excess wâter from minced chicken.
3.     Âdd âll the ingredients mentioned under Meâtbâll except Oil. Âdd breâd milk mixture. Mix everything with hând till well incorporâted.

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