Blood-Clot Shots | Hâlloween Drink
Blood-Clot Shots | Hâlloween Drink
· Ingredients:
· Jâck Dâniel's Tennessee Fire Whiskey
· Hârd Âpple Cider (we suggest J.K.’s Cuvée Orgânic Hârd Cider)
· Mârshmâllows
· Red Food Coloring
· Bând-Âids
· Speciâl Equipment:
· Chef's Butâne Torch
1. Directions:
2. The directions âre reâlly eâsy to follow, especiâlly if you âren't going for the pint of chicken blood, 'câuse câtching â terrified yârd bird isn't âs eâsy âs it sounds. Trust.
3. Tâke â long white serving plâtter like the one in the âbove photo ând âdd severâl crumpled up Bând-Âids.
4. visit Shots | Hâlloween Drink for full recipe