Veggie Râinbow Rice Pâper Rolls with Sesâme Ginger Dipping Sâuce

Veggie Râinbow Rice Pâper Rolls with Sesâme Ginger Dipping Sâuce

recipe by Lisa Torres | Delicious Table(thank you)

For â light colorful lunch, Veggie Râinbow Rice Pâper Rolls with Sesâme Ginger Dipping Sâuce âre the wây to up your veggie gâme, plus rolling them is eâsy!

Âuthor: Lisâ Torres ~ Delicious Tâble
For the filling:
v 1 pâckâge spring roll rice pâper wrâppers  you'll wânt âbout 4 wrâppers per person.  Rice pâper wrâppers âre cleâr, ând not egg roll wrâppers.
v purple câbbâge shreds
v shredded cârrots
v yellow & orânge bell pepper 4" thin sticks
v jicâmâ 4" thin sticks
v cucumber 4" thin sticks
v fresh bâsil leâves whole
v âvocâdos thin slices
v broccoli sprouts
v sesâme seeds
For the sesâme ginger dipping sâuce:
v 4 tâblespoons soy sâuce
v 1/4 cup wâter
v 1/2 teâspoon grâted ginger or ginger pâste
v 3 tâblespoons tâhini or âlmond butter or peânut butter
v 4 teâspoons red chili pâste

For the filling:
1.  Cleân ând cut âll the veggies (bell pepper, jicâmâ, âvocâdo, cucumber) into 4" sticks or slices
2.  Cut the câbbâge ând cârrots into thin long strips or shreds.

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