The BEST Homemade Playdough

               The BEST Homemade Playdough

recipe by Allyson Reed( thank you)

Baca Juga Best Homemade Playdough Recipe

The BEST Homemade Playdough
The BEST Homemade Playdough

v  1 cup flour
v  1 cup wâtér
v  2 tsp créâm of târtér
v  1/3 cup sâlt
v  1 TBS végétâblé oil
v  gél food coloring
1.       Mix together all the ingredients, except the food coloring, in a medium saucepan.
2.       Cook over low/medium heat, stirring. Once it begins to thicken, add the food coloring.
3.       Continue stirring until the mixture is much thicker and begins to gather around the spoon.
4.       Once the dough is not wet, remove and put onto wax paper or a plate to cool.
5.       After cooling (30 minutes) knead playdough for a few seconds.

6.       Store in an airtight container in the fridge!

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