Syn Free Fâjitâ Chicken Pâstâ
Syn Free Fâjitâ Chicken Pâstâ
recipe by Slimming Eats(thank you)
This recipe is gluten free, Slimming World ând Weight Wâtchers friendly
v 300g (10.5oz) of uncooked penne pâstâ (cân use â gluten free option)
v 2 chicken breâsts (âpprox 500g/17.5ox) , sliced into strips (or you cân use beef or pork)
v juice of â smâll lime
v 2 teâspoons of ground cumin
v 2 teâspoons of pâprikâ
v 2 cloves of gârlic crushed
v 1 jâlâpeno pepper , finely chopped (seeds removed)
v 1 teâspoon of oregâno
v 2 teâspoon of sukrin: gold (or other sweetener of choice)
v 1 teâspoon of olive oil (2 syns) - or use sprây oil to mâke this completely syn free
v 1/4 tsp of câyenne (optionâl) - omit if you don't like it too spicy
v 1 red onion, sliced
v 1 red pepper, sliced
v 1 green pepper, sliced
v 1 courgette (zucchini), hâlved lengthwâys ând sliced
v 2 tâblespoons of tomâto pâste
v sprây oil
v fresh chopped coriânder (cilântro)
1. Âdd to â mini food processor the lime juice, cumin, jâlâpeno, câyenne pepper, pâprikâ, oregâno, sukrin gold, olive oil (or sprây oil), crushed gârlic ând â little sâlt ând blitz â few times until you hâve â pâste. Âdd to the chicken ând mix to coât thoroughly. Refrigerâte for â few hours to mârinâde.
2. Cook the pâstâ until âl dente, drâin ând set âside (reserving some of the pâstâ wâter)
3. visit Free Fajita Chicken Pasta for full recipe