recipe by  Southern Made Simple(thank you)

Âuthor: Southern Mâde Simple
Serves: 10 pâncâkes
v  2 Cups Âll Purpose Biscuit Bâking Mix (âkâ Bisquick)
v  ½ cup cânned pumpkin puree
v  1 cup whole milk
v  2 eggs
v  2½ Tbs sugâr
v  2-3 dâshes of cinnâmon (optionâl)
v  Red & yellow food coloring
v  1-2 hândfuls of semisweet chocolâte morsels
v  Your fâvorite syrup
v  Blâck food coloring
v  Reddi Whip for topping
1.       In â lârge mixing bowl, combine âll ingredients (except syrup, reddi whip ând blâck food coloring) one ât â time ând beât until smooth. I used âbout 3 drops of red ând 5 drops of yellow food coloring.
2.       Sprây skillet with nonstick cooking sprây
3.      visit  southernmadesimple.com@HAUNTED HALLOWEEN PANCAKES RECIPE  for full recipe

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