Halloween Deviled Eggs
Halloween Deviled Eggs
recipe by Stephanie (Parenting Chaos)(thank you)
Âuthor Pârénting Châos
• 6 éggs hârd boiléd & slicéd in hâlf
• 2 tâbléspoons mâyonnâisé
• 1 scânt tâbléspoon mustârd
• 1 téâspoon worcéstérshiré sâucé
• â splâsh of hot sâucé Frânk's Réd Hot is my fâvorité
• Gréén gél food dyé
• sâlt & péppér to tâsté
• Pâprikâ ând chiâ sééds to gârnish
- Boil eggs as directed in Monster Egg post
- Place your cooked egg yolks in a small bowl & mash them up with a fork. Stir in the mayo, mustard, worcestershire sauce, hot sauce, food dye, salt, & pepper.
- Scoop the filling into the egg whites. Sprinkle with paprika and/or chia seeds.
get full recipe>>parentingchaos.com@Halloween Deviled Eggs